The second run of the Student Involvement Week (SI Week) welcomed Benildeans to some of the various organizations and groups the College offered. Under the Student Involvement Unit (SIU), the Benilde Committee on Student Involvement (BCSI) presented SI Week 2.0: Unorthodox on Mar. 18 to 22, which centered around the theme of Greek mythology.
The theme for this iteration of SI Week signified a departure from the concepts of traditional norms and opened itself to a bold embrace of a more innovative and modern approach. “Unorthodox” aims to revitalize and improve the student experience for Benildeans by encouraging unconventional thinking, breaking free from routines, and adapting contemporary trends.
Held at the Greenway Square of the Taft Campus, the week-long face-to-face recruitment displayed the different academic, socio-civic, special interest, and SIU-recognized groups and organizations. In line with that, 40 Accredited and Recognized Student Organizations (ARSOs) for A.Y. 2023-2024 have unlocked their gates to new members, with some ARSOs given the option to hold their recruitment fully online and not being required to have physical booths, unlike previous installations of SI Week.
Onto a new odyssey
SI Week 2.0 officially started on Mar. 18, where booths popped up along the Greenway Square and excited students rummaged through each organization. The event launched with an opening ceremony, which gave students the opportunity to promote their respective organizations and encouraged them to sign up. Participating ARSOs had a minute to promote themselves during the program.
Across SI Week 2.0, each booth displayed its uniqueness and extraordinary creativity through interactive games, the selling of merchandise, and other similar gimmicks to entice students to sign up. Certainly, this thrilled the Benildean community, fostering even more camaraderie among attendees and setting a vibrant tone for the week ahead.
With that in mind, the following days of SI Week 2.0 were just as bright as its opening. By the end of the week on Mar. 22, students were then treated to a culminating closing ceremony filled with fun and merriment. Karilyo, the visual arts arm of the Benilde Culture and Arts Unit, presented a captivating shadowplay performance. In addition, ID121 Music Production student Sabine Cerrado serenaded attendees with her voice.
Beyond the myths and legends
However, SI Week 2.0 did not end just yet, as there was an announcement of winners for some of the ARSOs that have shown their exceptional creativity and efforts throughout the event. The awarded organizations were as follows:
Best Poster
Best Buddies Benilde (BBB)
Travelers in Progress (TRIP)
Society of Analytics and Business Intelligence (SABI)
Best Video
Travelers in Progress (TRIP)
Gamers Union for Innovation and Leadership Development (GUILD)
Best Booth
Benildean Industrial Designers (BIND)
Social and Academic Guild for Architecture (SAGA)
Best Activity
Social and Academic Guild for Architecture (SAGA)
Benildean Industrial Designers (BIND)
Best Buddies Benilde (BBB)
Benilde Hive (BHIVE)
If you missed out on SI Week 2: Unorthodox, don’t worry because you can still catch the online recruitment extended until Apr. 30.
For more information on SI Week 2, you can head over to the BCSI Facebook and Instagram pages.