Photos By Kyle Bustos
Photos By Kyle Bustos.

Carillon Bells chime for Benilde one last time, find new home in DLSU

“Bells, in the Lasallian tradition, occupy a very important part of the Lasallian spirit. They will ring these bells to remind the whole community again, of God's presence, and to continue what they are doing, for the love of God.” - Br. Raymundo Suplido FSC

By Dylan Kirsten Melencion | Tuesday, 22 October 2019

To fulfill the wish of Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC, Founding President of De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde (DLS-CSB) and De La Salle University-Manila (DLSU-M), the College relocated the Carillon Bells from Plaza Villarosa, Taft Campus to the Chapel of the Most Blessed Sacrament, DLSU-M in a rite of transfer earlier today, October 22. 

The bells serve as a memorial tribute to the 46 people that included 16 Lasallian Brothers who lost their lives in World War II, as well as a link between Benilde and DLSU-M.

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Photo by Kyle Bustos

The event commenced with a mass at the Chapel of the Resurrection, Taft Campus, wherein the deceased Lasallian Brothers were commemorated and honored. A procession was held after, with the Carillon Bells right behind the crowd. Benilde Chancellor Robert Tang led the rite of transfer, while DLSU-M President Br. Raymundo Suplido FSC accepted the bells on behalf of the Lasallian community.

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Photo by Kyle Bustos

“So, the bells reminded us of the presence of God, as well as what we are doing in the name of, and to carry out the will of God…so we thank the College of Saint Benilde, and we [also] thank all those who donated this bell, especially in honor of generations of Lasallians who continue the same tradition of remembering God’s presence,” Suplido expressed. He also recounted the significance of bells during his high school days, and how bells played a vital role in his life as a student.

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Photo by Kyle Bustos

The Carillon Bells are a commemorative tribute to the 16 Lasallian brothers who were killed during World War II in De La Salle University, which was then known as De La Salle College. The bells were located behind the statue of Saint Benilde Romançon in Plaza Villarosa, Taft Campus. 

Inscribed in these bells are the names of the 16 Lasallian brothers: 

  • Br. Egbert Xavier FSC – Director
  • Br. Flavius Leo FSC
  • Br. Alemond Lucian FSC
  • Br.  Baptist De La Salle Janos FSC
  • Br.  Adolf Gebhard FSC
  • Br.  Berthwin Philibert FSC
  • Br.  Arkadius Maria FSC
  • Br.  Friedbert Johannes FSC
  • Br. Gerfried Joseph FSC
  • Br.  Lambert Romanus FSC
  • Br.  Mutwald William FSC
  • Br.  Paternus Paul FSC
  • Br.  Romuald Sixtus FSC
  • Br.  Hartmann Hubert FSC
  • Br.  Maximin Maria FSC
  • Br.  Victorinus Heinrich FSC

A new sculptural piece to visually represent the College will be discussed in the coming months, as said by a letter sent by Chancellor Tang last October 4.

The Carillon Bells will eventually be placed near the Green Archer Statue behind Henry Sy Hall, in DLSU-M.




Last updated: Thursday, 10 June 2021