Layout By Kervine Tan
Layout By Kervine Tan.

Benilde secures PAASCU accreditation for SDA, SMIT programs

The College received PAASCU accreditation for several of its degree programs, cementing its credibility and commitment to offering exceptional education.

By Riana Sison, and Victoria Mareposque | Friday, 16 June 2023

De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde secured a five-year reaccreditation for Human Resource Management (BSBA-HRM), Export Management (BSBA-EM), and Computer Applications (BSBA-CAP), and an initial three-year accreditation for Benilde Industrial Design (BS-ID), Interior Design (BS-InD), Architecture (BS-ARCHI), and Animation (ABANI). 


In a Facebook post made by the College on June 13, it was announced that PAASCU accredited several of SMIT and SDA’s academic programs.


PAASCU granted Level IV accreditation to Benilde's BSBA-HRM and BSBA-EM programs, while BSBA-CAP was promoted to Level III status. Furthermore, Benilde’s BS-ID, BS-InD, BS-ARCHI, and ABANI programs were granted Level I status through a formal survey by the accrediting agency and duly certified by the FAAP and APQN. 


Level IV is regarded as the highest possible achievement and these curricula are respected as very high-quality academic programs throughout the Philippines, as competent as universities abroad.


Besides the recently accredited programs, Benilde already holds six accredited degrees: Bachelor of Science in Hotel, Restaurant and Institution Management (Level IV), Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management (Level III), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management (Level III), Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Business Management (Level III), Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts (Level III), and Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (Level II).


In an interview with The Benildean, Vice Chancellor for Academics, Mr. Angelo Lacson, remarked that the accreditation “is a testament to one’s authority to teach a particular academic discipline.”


“Claiming that we are good at what we do is one thing but proving that indeed we are is another.  Being granted accreditation from external bodies, such as PAASCU, is a validation of a program’s claims of success.  The proverbial climb up the accreditation ladder also becomes a testament to one's authority to teach a particular academic discipline.  Such is the case for our programs with Level IV accreditations (i.e., BS-HRIM, BSBA-EM, and BSBA-HRM),” he added.


Meanwhile, Benilde Chancellor Mr. Benhur Ong shared in an interview with The Benildean how “PAASCU enhances the reputation of the College in terms of pursuing academic excellence. It is a seal of approval from our University and College peers that the programs that passed accreditation are of high quality and addresses the [needs] of the profession it serves.”


“All Benildean degree programs undergo heavy scrutiny to ensure our curricula are forward looking and equip our students with the necessary competencies to be achievers and leaders in their fields. With PAASCU accreditation, it is a prestigious external entity that validates the hard work we put into providing the best education possible to our students,” the Chancellor said.


The Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU) is a private, non-profit, service organization that provides accreditation across four levels, with four being the highest, as determined by their evaluation process and the program’s adherence to specific criteria.

Last updated: Tuesday, 20 June 2023